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  • Hank Thomas

Day One: August 22

With little time to actually work today, I spent most of my day getting my footing. I spent most of my summer working on this project so it took a couple hours to figure out how to best adapt my work to the school and school day. Tomorrow I will start with meetings by phone and in person to get a better handle on my understanding of Maumee Valley's unique building characteristics. I am certain that the more I know about the building, the more creative and effective solutions I will be able to access and implement.

Another way in which I plan to adventitiously propose changes to our energy infrastructure is through a prediction software provided by Energy Star. I created an account for Maumee Valley today and will hopefully have more information to plug into the software tomorrow. This government-run program will score our school as compared to similar institutions in similar climates. It will compare weather and climate data along with a host of building statistics to analyse the building and give tips as to how we could improve. I will use this program to inform the unique recommendations I put together for the school.

Tomorrow I am meeting with Mr. Miller and talking with my mentor, Mr. Ely, to discuss the building's systems and new energy measurement devices, respectively.

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Day 13: Sept 10

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